It’s election season, so Congress is on my mind. Occasionally, I have called on my client’s Representative to get what I need from the IRS. And every time, the IRS has responded to the congressmember immediately, whereas I was often ignored for months. Why and when does this work? Read more »
November 7, 2024
Can the IRS Take Tax Refunds For Taxes Discharged in Bankruptcy?
“I thought I discharged my back taxes in bankruptcy! But the IRS just took this year’s tax refund and applied it to a year that was discharged!” is something I hear all the time. Yes, the IRS can do this, and here’s why. The good news? You’ll get that refund back next year. Read more »
September 12, 2024
Scammed by a Tax Relief Firm? What to Do
Many of my tax clients come to me after being scammed by a “tax relief” firm. These bottom-feeding scammers simply take the money and then do nothing: don’t return phone calls or emails, don’t do any work. The tens of thousands of dollars they take from people seems only to be invested back into the marketing and sales machinery of these scam firms: buying more radio, television and google ads, and hiring more salespeople to sign up unsuspecting consumers. Here’s what to do when you’re hood-winked by one of these “Opti-con” tax “resolution” firms. Read more »
November 9, 2023
Tax Lawyers Are GPS For the IRS
People hire me because tax lawyers are like GPS for the IRS. Think you can navigate the steps in the Taxpayer Roadmap above on your own? Good luck! Looks like the subway map for NYC, right? How easy was it for you to find your way around the NYC subway system the first time you rode it? Even with a map, I’ll bet it was a challenge. The same is true of navigating the vast, intimidating bureaucracy of the IRS depicted above. Read more »
October 13, 2023
Are There Limits to Tax-Deductibility of Fine Art Donations by Artist?
Many thanks to my seatmate on a recent flight who posed this hypothetical question, worthy of a Harvard Law School Professor: if an artist sells her painting for $1 million, can she then paint an identical copy, donate it to a charity, and claim no income for the tax year, on the assumption that the value of the copy is $1 million (because that’s what she sold the original for)? The answer is “no.” Read more »
July 14, 2023
California State Bar Certificates of Specialization
As many of you may know, I hold a Certificate of Specialization in Bankruptcy Law and in a Certificate of Specialization in Tax Law from the State Bar of California. You probably also don’t see many California attorneys advertising this. That’s because fewer than five percent of lawyers in California have taken the exam and continuing legal education courses necessary to obtain this certificate. Read more »
July 7, 2023
IRS Offer in Compromise Hard to Get in Santa Barbara County
An Offer-in-Compromise is a contract between the IRS and a taxpayer to settle a tax debt for less than what is owed. I get lots of calls from folks excited at the prospect of being able to negotiate down what they owe IRS. And then I burst their bubble with the bad news: it is very hard to get an Offer in Compromise (OIC) from the IRS. Read more »
June 24, 2023
California’s Franchise Tax Board’s Most Wanted List
California’s Franchise Tax Board (FTB) publishes a Most Wanted List of delinquent California taxpayers on its website, for both individuals and corporations. The FTB’s Most Wanted List includes the taxpayer’s name, address and amount owed. In order to qualify for placement, a taxpayer must owe the FTB at least $100,000. Read more »
June 19, 2023
Is the IRS Audit in Everything Everywhere All at Once Accurate?
Everything Everywhere All at Once won seven Oscars at the 95th Academy Awards including for Best Picture. The movie begins with the havoc unleashed by IRS Agent Deirdre Beaubeirdra (Jamie Lee Curtis won Best Supporting Actress), when she audits the laundromat of Evelyn & Waymond Wang (Michelle Yeoh won Best Actress and Ke Huy Kwan won Best Supporting Actor. But are the audit scenes realistic? Short answer: yes, but mostly no. Here’s how the movie differs from a real-life IRS audit. Read more »
March 13, 2023
Top Five Reasons to Hire a Tax Lawyer in Alameda County
You received an audit notice from the IRS. Or maybe you’ve already been audited and hate the result. Or you ignored audit notices, and now the IRS has put a lien on your house and levied your accounts. Here’s the top five reasons to hire a tax attorney, rather than handle a tax problem on your own. Read more>>
February 10, 2023