Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Thanksgiving makes me think of turkey, of course. And other poultry. Like my hens at Faucher Family Farms. My hens won’t ever end up on our table because I value them for their eggs. But Karen brought a Costco chicken home the other night. Still $5. How on earth do they do it for that price? Especially when the cost of food has increased almost as much as gas and real estate in recent years?

Since this is a season of gratitude, let me express thanks for the Internet. A wonderful resource where I quickly get answers to some of my most burning questions, such as how Costco has managed to keep the price of its rotisserie chicken at $5 for TWO DECADES.  

I won’t do it justice by summarizing, so please do yourself a favor and read this article. Perhaps in between bastings of your turkey on Thanksgiving? Perhaps during half-time?

I love poultry. And I love economics. Join me in geeking out on Thanksgiving by combining these two topic …

November 23, 2022

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