This Washington Post article, about a doctor’s flock of backyard chickens, prompts today’s update on my hens. Regular readers of my Newsletter know I’ve been raising chickens for almost 5 years – I love their eggs and enjoy their amusing clucking sounds, particularly when they lay. My wife, Karen, loves that they eat all table scraps (except citrus), so no food goes to waste. We both like going out a few times a day to watch them – it’s a nice break in a workday.

But the doctor in the article came to believe her chickens provided emotional support, particularly during the early days of the pandemic. And herein lies another reason for this post. At Faucher Family Farms, chickens are workers, not emotional support animals. We expect output in eggs, not a wing to cry on. I have nothing against emotionally supportive animals – even hens – but it’s just never going to happen for me, at least not with chickens. Or cats. Sebastian is my Feline Paralegal, not an emotional support animal. Maybe I need to consider adopting a dog?

April 1, 2021

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